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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

February 22, 2012

A Vid and Updates

A long time ago I started taking these time-lapse videos of Guatemala with the intention of making a video like the above... but didn't get myself to doing it until now!

And this is what I got. I think it turned out well, but I think now I could do better. When I get back to Guatemala (who knows when) I'll try and make a better version! (Without the sudden changes in exposure, and hopefully altogether better video quality) But until then, enjoy this. Views from our rooftop, Cuchumatanes, Zaculehu, Lachua, and Villa Canales.

On other news, school starts next month and I'm moving this Sunday. My new dorm is really crappy. Just a small room with a bed, desk and a crappy excuse for a closet. My ass is so out of there when I can find a nice, affordable option. Hopefully I will be out of my room most of the time, probably either taking photos or in some facility with computers with a lot more rendering power than mine. There aren't even any microwaves accessible in the dorm, or a fridge, or anything... I didn't ask but there better be a laundry room!

Korean universities have this thing for new students, called an "MT" (Membership Training). The name is very deceiving, unless you're training for a drinking club membership. They're pretty much just drinking parties. Seems I will finally be facing Korea's drinking culture...oh no! They also have an "orientation" and you'd imagine that being a short conference, tour of the university, Q&A and all that jazz, but in reality it's not even held in the university. Actually, it's not even held in Seoul. Orienting ourselves for college apparently is done by taking a 3 day trip out in the mountains and drinking with your future classmates.
Actually... sounds logical.

Well until all of that happens I will have more to say. Until then I'm just trying to enjoy my last days of freedom. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Well the peer pressure will be extreme, so keep being yourself and stand alone. Is there ANY other dorm option at that university? Only one facility for the entire place, do most people live off campus? It sounds crappy and I hope it will not reflect on the school itself. If so, I hope you will be wise enough to make the changes needed.
