About Me

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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

August 18, 2012

Philippines part 4

This is the last of the video. It may seem inconclusive but nearing the end of the trip I was just relaxing and not doing as much (already low on money) so I didn't film much either. Plus I wanted to focus more on taking photos.

August 13, 2012

A Sporty Family

This is a bit very overdue, but my last days in the Philippines were busy and once I got back to Korea there was lots to do too... lots of procrastination...
No but seriously, had people to see, things to catch up with, errands to run, photos to photoshop, and although I still could've done this earlier, I didn't.
What yo gon do 'bout it?

August 9, 2012

Picture Time!

Just some of the pictures I've been able to post-process so far. All of these were taken in Negros.

July 12, 2012

July 4, 2012

First day here

Well you don't get to see much yet, but its what I was able to do!

June 28, 2012

Finally, a Real Vacation

After almost a year and a half of studies, I finally get a full on vacation. Also my first chance to leave Korea after all this time.

It's a chance to finally relax and reflect on my experiences during this time. I remember my first days here, I wondered how it would feel like to be here as compared to then, when it was all new and shiny and confusing to me. Well the confusing part has faded... partially... but there are still so many things I don't get. Call it culture clash, but in the open-minded setting I was raised in I never thought I could disagree so much with a culture.

May 14, 2012

My Home, School, and the World Expo

You know, when I first started slowing down on blogs it was because I was running out of things to blog about. Wasn't doing much, just studying Korean and going out every once-in-a while.
But now, I have lots to blog about but no time!
So lets start with me finally introducing my new home and school...

April 24, 2012

Angmong, The Music Video teasers and International-Food Day!

It's been over a month now, and it's been one hectic as hell month. Besides school, I've had lots of things to do while also trying to spend time with friends. Finally moved to my new home which has allowed me to cook and live more comfortably though. I love having a stove again.

March 15, 2012

This is harder than I thought...

Finally was able to take some classes... this is going to be a very hard semester!!!
I was very excited to start college, excitement that was burnt out after all of the issues I had with the management here, and my dorm. Now that all of those issues are solved... it has NOT been smooth sailing.

March 1, 2012


So these last 3 days I was taken out with my future classmates (and other students from the arts department)  to a large hotel to have an "Orientation." I expected tons of drinking and some information about college life but I learned lots of other things instead...

February 22, 2012

A Vid and Updates

A long time ago I started taking these time-lapse videos of Guatemala with the intention of making a video like the above... but didn't get myself to doing it until now!

February 11, 2012

The Ice Fishing Festival

Snowed in the face during a group photo. So mean >_>
Only 2 days after Everland I took off to the Ice Fishing festival with more scholarship friends. I had in mind we'd be having a great time fishing on the ice all day, but after an hour of standing in nasty wind over a lake that wasn't yielding any fish to any of the 100 people fishing on it, we decided to try out the other activities.

February 10, 2012

What To Do When There Are No Rides

So I had already covered Lotte World many months ago, and it was fun but rather small. I had been anxious to try Everland, a reputably much larger amusement park a couple hours from the city. Plans on going with my friends didn't really happen because of the money, but this semester's field trip was to go there.

January 31, 2012

Photo Dump and Some Snow

So I got out pretty much every day to take a photo for my other blog and sometimes I can't get anything that good, but some days I get more than one photo I'd say would be worth posting, and these all start to pile up in my computer...

January 24, 2012

Chinese New Year!

Or Lunar New Year. Though we did not have Christmas or New Year holidays, Chinese New Year here is always 3 days off. I always wanted to be on this side of the world on that date, so here's what I did.

January 9, 2012

Life Updates and Other Stuff

I've been the busiest I have ever been since I came to Korea, and this blog hasn't had much time on my mind. However I feel sick today and really couldn't make it to class so I decided to just take it easy today and rest. I suppose being so busy, stressed and having to run around so much in the cold has gotten to me, but I'll be up and running soon enough.

First I thought I'd put up some mixed footage from Christmas and some food I went to eat with Woori. I hadn't posted it before because they both felt rather unfinished but oh well, if not they will just sit there doing nothing.