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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

February 10, 2012

What To Do When There Are No Rides

So I had already covered Lotte World many months ago, and it was fun but rather small. I had been anxious to try Everland, a reputably much larger amusement park a couple hours from the city. Plans on going with my friends didn't really happen because of the money, but this semester's field trip was to go there.
Since it had snowed, there was a really fun sleigh/tube ride, which we rode perhaps thrice. It was a Thursday so lines weren't an issue. What I wasn't happy about, though, was that most of the exciting rides were not running due to the absurd cold!
Do you see that monster of a roller-coaster in the background? Couldn't ride it!!!

But that's ok, we just had fun our own way.
This was actually last Thursday, though. I just made time today to write this.

In the end, the highlight of the day was definitely when my friend MingRui got punched by a snowman, and the snow fight. It was more like hanging out in a large park than anything. The most intense ride was definitely the teacups though. I had a headache until the evening.

All scholarship students.

And another funny sign. I don't know about other people here, but I always keep my personal belongings between my legs!!
Since it was free, I can't complain about it being a waste of money, but I want to go back when I can ride the real rides.

On other news, starting March I will be going to college. I passed the TOPIK test, and now I can relax, but things are about to get much busier! 

1 comment:

  1. You've been gone less than a year, and look at all you've done. Life is good, isn't it?

    Cannot be any prouder!
