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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

April 9, 2011


It still gets cold in the evenings but noon is warm now and you get around fine with a light sweater.
And things are starting to bloom. Our university has a large diversity of plants so it looks great. The beotgot, a Korean equivalent to the Japanese Sakura blooms for a few days and I was able to photograph one that seems to have gotten ahead of schedule. Great looking trees.

Ok so they are actually white, not pink. But the pink looks...
Yeah campus is starting to look really nice now. (:

And so spring semester has started what are supposed to be our "real" Korean Language classes but it's still slow...oh well. I actually had my first "conversation" in Korean this week, with a Japanese girl who didn't speak English too well... it was rather awkward and frustrating the limited amount of information I could communicate but still, it's a first!

Anyway it's April 9th so I'm wishing Sammy and Dad (no matter how much he likes to deny his bday) a great Birthday. I miss the dinner table conversations and bullying, and the shit talks without making people uncomfortable. And the home baked goods because nobody makes 'em like we do. Damn I'm afraid when I get back that midget is gonna be taller than me, and even if he isn't, he's gonna be buffier. I'm gonna have to buy a taser or something to defend myself. I don't want my arse kung fooed! I'll share the playstation, I swear!
I've gotten very used to being here, and I did so very quickly, but there are things that can't be replaced. I wonder if this place will ever be my home, and not my house (or dorm).
I don't want to sound too negative though, I'm loving it here and am not regretting. And it still isn't the longest I've gone without seeing you people but when you know you ain't going back soon it's different huh...
But yeah I hope you have a great day. I bet the Herreras will be showing up so say hi to them from me.

My life has already fallen into routine so it's gotten a little hard to find things to blog about. So how about you ask questions about things I haven't talked about yet? Might give me some more ideas.

here are some pics from the event.


  1. So I have an assignment for you. I want the second picture to print. But you will probably have to retake it, I like the composition, but the flowers are too burnt. The day was good for me. Spent all morning judging a FITA in SanCris. Mom and Sammy came later on and we went to Lai Lai for lunch. Sammy skept Kung Fu as to not to get too buff for you to handle. Are you posting any pics of the embassy meeting last weeK? I know things are becoming routine now, they are here too, we are kind of used to NOT having you here with your face stuck in the computer too, lol. Not decided on what to do for Semana Santa either, and is in a week. O well.

  2. Too burnt? maybe it's the screen because on this computer I see all of the detail on the flowers...

  3. OK, could you send it to Rolando, I will be there with him on Tuesday (I won't have time tomorrow). Large format, Long chinese looking? Or just the way it is. It will be printed and framed with the same black molding as the others, Not sure about mat color...
    The first time I viewed the pic, was very burnt and the display had to be scrolled left to right and up and down. now it shows complete. Did you change anything?

  4. No I didn't change anything at all. Will email it to rolando then.

  5. cc me on the email, so he has my email, too.

  6. Hi Huesito!
    Muy buenas fotos! Se parece a la flor de los matilishuates de aca o los cherry-blossom de Washington DC, no cabe duda de que vivimos en el mismo planeta!

    Parece ser que estas adaptandote lo suficiente para poder entrar en meditaciones trascendentales y percibir cierto grado de rutina... Como que el susto va pasando (o tal vez a nosotros).
    No nos hemos visto con tus papas porque fuimos el fin de semana a la Antigua por una boda, solo hable por telefono con Sammy, y al igual que tu, la pregunta es si esta por alcanzarte o no? Seguro que el no pierde la esperanza de lograrlo! El domingo hable con tu papa y estaban en la Antigua, en motos pero ese dia sale la procesión mas larga de la Antigua, esperaban 150 mil personas visitando, asi que ni se nos ocurrió ponernos de acuerdo para juntarnos, sera hasta esta semana, jueves o viernes.
    Que cosas me gustaría preguntarte? En la universidad hay facultad de medicina o de ciencias de la salud, donde invitan a estudiantes a participar en experimentos (en USA a veces te pagan por participar) entonces te podes encontrar con cosas simpaticas y totalmente fuera de rutina, por ejemplo, que te coloquen un aparatito todo el dia para medirte cuanto sudaste en que tipo de actividades, o cuestionarios para reportar cuantas veces te rascas la punta de la nariz (u otra parte pudorosa del cuerpo)... En fin! Cuenta que hay en la U (no cabe duda de que tengo fuerte atracción por la vida universitaria). Hay departamento de musica? Hay cursos libres o free en verano para estudiar jardineria, cocina o cosas asi?
