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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

March 27, 2011

I'm not that bad...

I always thought I had a bad sense of direction but I'm actually not having trouble getting around, but instead I'm meeting people who're a lot worse than me.
Who woulda thought?

Also a lot of people wake up waaaaaaaaaaay after me, weekdays and weekends, like it's normal. 2:30 pm people are having breakfast (I mean lazy college students of course).

In a sense these people make me feel better but also it's annoying if you want to make plans with them because it's gonna be late.

So yeah I've moved to the new dorm. I found out that here the washing machine is free. What the hell? it cost me W1000 per wash at the last place, and W1000 for the dryer. Here the dryer is Q500. And this place is cheaper... what.
Unfortunately the gym schedule sucks. I think it's 7-10 am, closes until 5pm-11pm. That means mornings don't work for me there, just evenings. But still, beats nothing. 2 nice pingpong tables and lots of people to play with (so I'm told).

By the way, here's the album of photos from the person who found the pics from KOICA.
I'm not really visible in most of them. I had to wear the Korean traditional clothing because we couldn't get our hands on some Guatemalan clothes but oh well.

Lastly, my new room rocks. It's cleaner, and the shower actually stays hot and is more spacious than the other place, plus there's somewhere to hang the shower head that will spray water on me, not the toilet.
My new roommate is Chinese. His name is Banana... he has a Chinese name I can't quite remember, but Banana's easy to remember.
He paints his nails and uses facial care products, and owns a purse.
He's nice though. I know you already drew conclusions.
I gave him one of the Guatemalan bracelets and he felt really bad he didn't have anything from China so he tried to offer me an apple. :P

Anyway I'm hoping I'll take pictures today, so by promising I'll post some on the next blog makes me more likely to do so!


  1. Banana! lol. At least not the splits, banana splits...

  2. HA ahora vas a ahorrar almenos a la hora de lavar y pues la secada, no se a como esta el cambio pero espero que sea favorable.... ahora que ya estas en el nuevo dormitorio pues si el horario de la sala de juegos pues si no es la ideal, pero hey el plus esta en el baƱo jejeje bueno disfruta tu nuevo dormitorio... y a la espera de fotitas pero tomadas por ti...
