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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

May 12, 2011

경주 (Gyeong Ju) and the Foreigners Festival

Finally got to see some Korean countryside. The university took us on a field trip to Gyeong Ju, 4 hours away from our homes in Seoul, to see some temples and museums.

Not really as thrilling as it sounds... it rained the whole time causing us to have to cancel some plans and adjust others. The food (though free) was whack too. The hotel was good though, and in the evening we played some Korean group games, it was pretty fun. One of the games was modeling clothing out of newspaper our class made. I guess a bikini top and a tu-tu don't fit me as well as one would expect *ahem* and maybe I got too into character while "modeling." It was hilarious until someone showed me the video of myself doing the sexy-catwalk. At that moment I thought: "Oh god, what has Korea done to me?"
But yeah it was fun...
I didn't really learn much about Korean culture though. I found out it's not just museums in Guatemala that bore me, I'm just not a museum person. I guess a 1000 year old rock carved my Koreans is no more exciting than one carved by Mayans.
Here are some pictures, but I won't be explaining what's what because... I don't really know.

Nery (left) Danny (Right) and 3 random Chinese people who wanted to take photos with us.

No autographs please.

And so today was the "Foreigners Festival." Basically, "throw together a talent show with foreigners." It was entertaining though. Some pretty neat talent out there. Here are some pics:

This is my friend Sunny, from Malaysia. We get along pretty well, and he's an awesome dancer.

So I asked when my vacation was and I was told that I "should" get one but I guess that's not 100% sure? Anywho it would be in August so that's no good for you guys. But my classes are only until 1pm anyway so it's not like I wouldn't have time to hang out, and there's always weekends. Where you would stay? Yeah that I couldn't really tell you since I mostly hear about different types of long-term housing because that's what people I'm surrounded by are interested in.

Finally I wish me mum a happy belated mothers day. Hug a tree, pretend it was me and that I hugged you back. And if anyway sees they'll just think you're a tree huger. That's a plus for your rep. (ok what am I saying) Someone also tell grandma I wish her a happy belated mothers day. Apparently it's not international because there is no mothers day here, just parents day, which was last weekend.

Anyway sorry for the long span between blogs but not too many new things happening until this field trip! By the way I want someone to send me pictures of semana santa back home! See you!


  1. Itś baaack! So, What is the guy in the last picture making? Did you get to taste it? I will also like to see your too sexy for yourself catwalk video, lol, seriously, I want to see it. Is that Chinese girl the one you mentioned to me in the chat? Will not send pics of SS, since you consider all our pics lame, and they are. BTW, got to play squash in Las Cumbres, Sammy and I worked up a sweat. Did go to Xela por guiseppe's Pizza (remember from our Tierra fria vacation?). I shouldve taken a pic and made you jealous, but forgot the camera. The BW pic is very good, add to the list of pics to print, along with a collection of your old men. Once you get about 10 old men I would like to print them to display. BTW, Sammy and Nadia will not be going to the States this year.

  2. He's just making ddeok, traditional ricecake. You've tried it. I'll see if I can get my hands on that video, if someone hasn't posted it on facebook already.
    And send me the photos, you're just lazy. Like I'd be judging family photos. This isn't some competition.

    I ate pizza this weekend at sungwook's house. GOD IT WAS TERRIBLE. Next time I eat pizza I'm going to a western franchise. That thing was SWEET. It had yellow corn, and no tomato sauce, korean spicy sauce instead (the sweet stuff). Not enough veggies and no meatballs. Gawd I wanna go to PriceSmart.
    And I felt like eating fruit so I bought a ton of fruit for everyone. Ended up costing a fortue. I bet in Guatemala that would've costed me about Q50 or less. What I spent was about an equivalent of Q160!

  3. Por fin nuevas noticias de tus andanzas!!! Que bueno que tengas la oportunidad de romper la rutina. Te cuento que fuimos a ver a Ben en la obra de teatro en la que esta participando, en realidad, no parece que actuara, simplemente aparece como es el mismo... Lo que es magnifico es que haya tenido la oportunidad de compartir escenario con alguien como Ma. Teresa Martinez! Seguramente no te acordas de ella... Es una señora ya mayor que la vimos en Don Juan Tenorio, cuando actuo Fndo no se que, profesor del CAG... En fin! Ahora andamos con el rollo del festival de cine europeo que nos tiene muy entretenidos.
    Salio en el periodico hace unos dias que en Seul se estaba celebrando una fiesta de no se que con desfiles y parecia un acontecimiento importante, han de manejar feriados y descansos que nada tienen que ver con los de este lado del mundo, de plano!
    Me gustaron mucho las fotos de las lamparas... Y esta faceta de deshinibicion que estas descubriendo parece muy interesante, como decis, "lo que Korea esta haciendo de ti"... Ja, ja, ja.
    Hasta otro dia!

  4. Hola lourdes!
    Bueno y que tal la obra? Ojala me consiguieran una grabacion ): porque decis que ben no actua, porque es malo, o porque es igual a su personaje? (probablemente algun loco).
    Aparentemente por aca es epoca de festivales en las U. Ademas, este mes fue dia del ninio (no me permite la enie esta cosa) que es feriado porque todos somos patojos aca, y dia de los papas, y el cumple de budha, entonces anda mero festivo por aca.

  5. Hey hola Wes, hasta ahora pude ver que subiste fotos nuevas a tu blog, que bueno que salieron a darse un aire, y que la hayas pasado bien including your catwalk dance... mira tu experiencia con la pizza dulce como una exploracion culinaria.. jeje te mando un abrazote te cuidas mucho.!
