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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

June 19, 2011


This is David. He's a Korean raised in Brazil. He works as a barista and knows how I like coffee. Plus he has a house and is always open to having guests. And so, I just had to go cook.

Ma Po To Fu. I was so disappointed I over salted it, because beyond that the flavor was good. It just needed some of our home chillies. I should've brought some seeds here and planted them!

I used my flash for these pictures. Helped a lot, the lighting is sufficient. (Unfortunately this blog lowers quality so you can't really tell.)
Dessert was vanilla ice cream floats. Oatmeal cookies didn't quite fly because ingredients were hard to find and expensive. Oatmeal isn't very popular in Korea (nor is baking, most people's definition of cookie is probably packaged crap) so raw oats were just outrageous. It was too late to think of something else by the time we found them so I just decided to do something simple. The ice cream was better on its own though... Meh next time I'll do better! David said we could come every weekend if we wanted, and he lives only a 10 min bus ride away so looks like I got me a kitchen! I'm still used to all the space and equipment from home but hey, gotta do with what you got. (For example, opening a can with a knife since he had no can opener.) I was worried I wouldn't find a gas stove in Korea but so far I have so that's good too.
Anyway here are some more pics.

Yes you don't need to point out that I have Pacaya and Santiaguito on my nose, but I was too lazy to photoshop.

It's great to know someone who works at a coffee shop. I have to say the freebies haven't been few, and he's taught me a few things about coffee. I understand now why I was rather unsatisfied with coffee in Korea, its because they make it so weak. David makes 'em double shot upon request, much better. Plus, their coffee shop is actually run by Brazilians so they have a few Brazilian treats on the menu I've been able to try. I swear I only went to this place first a couple weeks ago and now I've been there more times than I can remember. (Ok I exaggerate, it's only been about 5-6 times.)
Though he doesn't look it, David is a whole 5 years older than me. He's always very interesting to talk to and has a lot of educated things to say. He's taking a 3 week trip to China this July with some friends and invited me but sadly this year isn't the best for travel for me. ): His housemate is Chinese so he planned the whole trip out for them costing only $500 for the whole 3 weeks (per person I'd imagine), except the flight tickets which they got under $200 round trip!
I need a job. Unfortunately they didn't need anyone to scrub toilets at the coffee shop. Haha.
So that was this weeked!

Next weekend is the SISF (Seoul International Student Forum) general assembly, an overnight stay at Seoul Global Center HQ (I think). Unfortunately I didn't make president position for the forum; but then again I didn't really have things going for me. I'm one of the youngest in the group, most people are in their 20's (some look like their 30's but I couldn't really tell) and have experiences that qualify them way more than me. I said all I could during the interview but the lady was like "I don't know what to ask you, you're still 19!" (Well according to my Guatemalan passport I am) I need more of a background. Nevertheless, during the group interview I like to think my contributions were as valid as other members. Oh well, next time! Tomorrow our subgroup has a pre(?)meeting so I bet I get to meet a bunch of foreigners again. Har har.

And that's all for now, bye!


  1. So the question that begs to be asked, how many people did you feed cooking in that little frying pan? Seems like that would've been just enough for you and maybe one other person! It is a small kitchen, but it is fully equipped and you got fire!
    So what's up with the semi-oriental read head? We would like to know. She was part of your Lotto crew also, we noticed.
    Find out what it will take for you to get the Chinese visa and if it will not affect your getting your allowance. Maybe we can do something about that trip...

  2. I can't go on the trip, I'm not allowed to leave Korea this year remember? I have classes in July anyway.
    And I wouldn't call the kitchen "fully equipped" just "equipped" haha.
    I fed 8 people. Yup. We ate with Korean rice though, which is much heavier and more filling than chinese rice. Plus the food was really salty so you had to eat a little at a time :P
    The girl is Yvonne. She's from my class, same scholarship. We hang out a lot, and she knows David too (so does nery, and dong because I took her to his coffee shop before). She's half Filipina half Spanish. And she's not a redhead, it's colored -_-

  3. Oh yeah I forgot to write my first trimester final average, 95.4!

  4. Hey Wes,
    You sound well. Practicing your Korean with this group?? Want us to send oatmeal? Sending goodies to you with a student of mine, Yerim Lee and her sis is a good friend of Nad´s. Glad you are getting to cook and all. So where is Yvonne from?
    Take Care..we miss you..dinner not the same without you..
    Hugs and Kisses..
    PS today is Father´s Day...

  5. Filipina or Spaniard? Still, find out about the process of getting the Chinese visa, inportant info, for when you decide to go.

  6. Tiger dad says. "95.4??? Is that a radio Station? You must get no less than 100!!!"

    On the other hand, great job, son.

  7. Last picture was nice, I haven't seen somebody smiling at work outside of a come work for us commercial since..... 1940...

    Speaking of travelling, maybe we could ship Pucca over to you so that you can continue the beautiful relationship you guys had. We rode by the place where she first dumped you and piledrove your foot in to a welt the size of a tennis ball, around Laguna de Ayarza. Rode with that british dude thats doing a RTW.

    Yvonne eh... shes cute, good luck! XD

  8. I found out that motorcycles aren't that popular in Korea because apparently they are forbidden on main highways, so there really isn't anywhere to go fast. You see a few young people with their show-off racing bikes but all they do is drive around school, or speed from one traffic light to the next.

  9. Well, you know, our aim is not to go fast. It is to go around the small roads, away from the main highways. Which means a small 125 like pucca would do, eh? Do you know if Dong's mom already left? Mom wants to know if we can send some things like oatmeal, and vanilla with her. We'll be sending the ready made cookies with Se min's family.

  10. (:
    i miss your cooking.
    나도 마파두부 먹고싶어요! ㅋㅋ
    i wish i could be there with you guys :(
    me dieron ganas de un cafecito... ><

  11. OK, so you've heard from us, we haven't heard from you!

  12. Ohh! david's coffee <3
