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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

August 3, 2011

민속촌 (Minsokchon) Korean Folk Town

Yesterday was our summer semester field trip, and so we went to a Korean folk town. It wasn't an over night stay like the last field trip to Gyeong Ju but I'd say the location was more interesting (or maybe the weather was just better).

Anyway I don't know about you guys, but when I saw this dude:
I saw this on his head:

He's got this epic serious ancient Korean face going, but with that hat on... I guess Korean's had "cutesy" in them since long ago. I don't mean to make fun of their culture but... MARSHMALLOW COOKIE HEAD!

There were these cool dancers with them though. They have these awesome hats with a long sash they spin around with their heads. The cool part is when they do flips though; T'was a bitch to get on cam. ):

This would've been so good if I'd had gotten his foot!! @*#$(&%#!

And here are some random toss ins:
A few of my new classmates.

I don't think this is what they intended when they put up this cardboard for photo taking.

We also had the chance to play with Korean clay and make artsy-crafts. I just didn't bring my camera to that because I wanted to get my hands dirty.

So yeah not much more to say about the place. Good day, free food, moving on. I've also had dinner twice with my new classmates.
Everyone on the left is either from China, Taiwan or Hong Kong, and on the right + center they are all Japanese. Haven't ordered our food yet. Just some Korean-style bbq, nothing you guys don't know.

Oh yeah and remember I said last blog that the rainy season was over? That was a mistake. It was sunny for about 4 days and then it's been thunderstorms and heavy rain. Really bad weather, it's a miracle we didn't get stormed on our field trip. Half the city is flooded. Fortunately our university is on a mountain so no flooding here!

I guess that's all for now!


  1. Wes,
    You sound well. Great pics!! You sure have tg
    he eye. All well here,we miss you lots,
    love mom

  2. Wes, its 민속촌.
    >_< ㅋㅋㅋ

  3. LOL @ naeuns post <3
    aww korean folk town! I wanna go there!

  4. que chistosos los sombreros de galleta :P
