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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

December 22, 2011

Korean Drums, can Sammy play like this?

NIIED invited us to their year-end party, coupled with a talent show by NIIED students, however there was also a drum performance by some Korean high schoolers that was impressive.

 I haven't heard traditional drums played this well before, however to to microphone and speaker limitations you don't get to experience your chest beating from drum impacts. Still, looks like the devil got into these kids.

We also got a free buffet. Food was cold, and I usually wouldn't get excited about such a thing in Guatemala, but here it means no pay + eating my heart out which isn't as often an event as it used to be. Also, buffets always offer food out of the usual, Korean every-day diet, and some acceptable level foreign food (considering it's free).

1 comment:

  1. This could be the next noche de luces performance! I think Sammy could. The little engine that could!
