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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

August 13, 2012

A Sporty Family

This is a bit very overdue, but my last days in the Philippines were busy and once I got back to Korea there was lots to do too... lots of procrastination...
No but seriously, had people to see, things to catch up with, errands to run, photos to photoshop, and although I still could've done this earlier, I didn't.
What yo gon do 'bout it?

Ha so. This is about my time in Negros. Bonding with the Flores family, and reminding myself about how physically inept I am, and how physically abusive my girlfriend is. Watch first and then read the rest of this.

A. Can't really punch a girl. (Though I can punch like one.)
B. Can't really punch a girl in front of her parents, even with their approval.

I enjoy riding bicycles, hiking and going on photowalks.
Oh and pingpong, I like pingpong. (In my defense, she recorded at a bad time so there is only footage of me failing those 2 points. I still won.)
I last much longer doing these activities than others.

I enjoyed Negros much more than Cebu honestly, Cebu City that is. I didn't really get to see any of those amazing  beaches always advertised because turns out its not cheap to access them. I actually spent a lot of money on much needed clothing that I had been refusing to buy in Seoul because its too expensive here. Though I got great prices there it still was a lot I had to buy, including underwear and socks. Plus I had to get a Visa extension because they only allow up to 20 days unlike the usual 30, and that cost me 70$ just to stay 5 or 6 days longer than allowed.
Thus why I enjoyed Negros more. Simple, small, friendly... and I got to ride the bike. Cheap fruit and safe to wander. And the noise? Well the town market bustles, but other than that its a quiet you don't ever find in a city the size of Seoul. Oh and you saw the view too... my what a view. I'd like to live a year in that town and just document it. The town we stayed in is called Guihulngan. I can't pronounce it right either.

We didn't catch anything while fishing... didn't really know what kind of fish we'd find, at what depth we'd find them or any of that important info stuffs. The other men there with just string, hook and bait were catching fish though.

Keep an eye out for the final video in a few days/weeks/month/years/decades/centuries/millenia/time warp!
Ok I'll try to do it this week....... Plus some more photos.

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