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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

March 5, 2011


So I've had octopus chips, chicken kebabs, beef and noodle buns, fish-shaped sweet bread, random things in a cup with hot sauce, and rice dough sticks in super spicy sauce and I've been fine. I've had a lot of mysterious looking foods with no problem except the occasional burning anus.

Then I go to the college cafe and have me a cream bun. A couple hours later I'm in the hospital because of an allergic reaction... hmmm. I guess I'm not going there again. Luckily there's a hospital right next to the college so I could walk there, and Bambi lives nearby so he arrived quickly to help. It wasn't easy to get help. I could barely even talk because of my throat being swollen and the guy in the hospital was like "I need you to fill out this paper, and this and that and pay 63,000 won" and I was like "I'm DYING here!" and then the doctor I saw was talking on the phone and then after running some tests and shoving a camera up my nose (don't know why) he tells me I'm not having an allergic reaction, my throat just randomly closed, probably asthma.
Ok I know what an allergic reaction is like, and I know what asthma is like. That was allergies.
So after insisting they just give me the damn drugs I had the familiar injection in the ass done. I don't remember it being that painful but at least I'm fine now. I was given a prescription for pills to take after every meal but I think I'll pass, that doctor didn't really know what he was talking about. He did take this really nasty picture of inside my nose though... that was fun.

Anyway I'm meeting sungwook today and he's going to take me to buy my adapters.  Everything I have does 220v so I don't need any transformers. Hopefully I'll be putting up pics tomorrow!


  1. I always thought the sweet crap was the underlaying cause of all your problems. I think you did well for demanding the treatment you knew you needed. Damn Dr's don't know what they're doing half the time. The other half is only because they have the sense to listen to the patient. 63,000 won is cheap! Was it because of the insurance or the normal cost?

  2. 63.000 won is for Kyung Hee students. 153,000 is the normal fee. Insurance doesn't kick in until monday *sigh* couldn't get sick 3 days later huh?

  3. Got it taken care of. No worries. Can you get a prescription for epinephrine auto shot? If so, get one to carry around with you when you go away on trips. Chances are it will happen again.
