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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

March 2, 2011

An update

Hello all.
Well I'm not able to get adapters yet so I can't charge any of my electronics. But it's been a few days so I'm just gonna write a few things about so far.

First of all my hands are cold so typing is really hard. Today we walked aimlessly around town and encountered a lot of ice, though it isn't snowing.
But I'm too lazy plus have better things to do than spell check this thing so ignore my mistakes.

Second. It does smell like garlic, But I don't really mind.

There are 2 channels (at least) dedicated to only starcraft. It's like ESPN and ESPN II but probably worse.

The floor of my dorm heats up. Most of us foreigners from always warm countries found that bizzare, and fun.

I had never before been in a mall with more than 3 floors. Here they are all over 10, some, way more.

And I don't seem to know where money goes. But it goes, and FAST.

I tried blood sausage. It's intestines filled with noodle and other stuff. It wasn't that good. Honestly, it was like chewing on a rubber..

But I had fried seafood from the street and that stuff is good. There isn't a very wide selection of non-spicy food and though I like spicy, a lot of too much takes toll on your ass. It burns. But I still haven't had any exceptional food, nor the chance to have it so I'm still looking. When things slow down and there's less running around the streets I'll have a better chance. We've been out every day all day though it's frikin cold it's been a lot of fun. Yesterday I met dong, bambi and sungwook and we just walked around for hours joking around, had some food and checked out a popular shopping district called Myongdong. The subway system is actually very easy to get around with since it's straight lines so you just figure out what stations you have to switch over lines on the big map and go on ahead. Haven't really gotten lost.. well okay, havent gotten TOO lost. There's a bus that goes directly from the nearest station to the front of the university too so I can get around with that one bus...hehe.
Our orientation isnt until friday and classes start monday so we have lots of free time now. It hasn't been friendly on our pockets though hehe. It's hard to find affordable good food, though most things are under 5000 won, and that usually includes side dishes and water. So, unlike on the other side of the world where you have to count on paying for your drink and a tip, here what you see is all you have to pay! So you still end up paying more,just on different things. Well I've pretty much only bought food, and umbrella, and paid for transportation. There are a lot of decent restaurants around my dorm but I'm gonna have to get used to the daily spicy. I mean my ass really isnt happy.
But it has been so exciting. In the end I had no jet lag. Didn't really sleep in the plane, arrived at 6 am and didnt sleep until 10 pm, so that set my schedule. It's too much fun during the day to sleep anyway. When there's nothing to do or nobody to show us around we just pick a spot and hop on the subway and try to make it there with a 50% chance of ending up where we planned. We always come across something interesting anyway.

Oh yeah, I get a lot of staring. Last night I was having dinner with bambi and sungwook in a small common restuarant eating a dish I was already familiar with and everywhere I looked around me people were staring with a weirded out expression. The people next to us literally spent 15 mins staring at me and talking about something and everytime I turned they looked away suddenly and kept eating, but it was really obvious.
It's kinda fun though. I can stare back at people and make them feel just as uncomfortable!

Anyway I'm going out now so I hope I can upload pics soon! I miss everyone back in Guate and LA! Bye!


  1. How is the air? any trouble with asma?
    Staring, yup I remember the feeling way back when.

    And the food, have you tried cafeteria food. yet? Whatch it with the burning Wes, don't want to start bleeding. lol, not fun....Are you going to be able to switch dorms?

  2. Are you sure you are missing us? I don't believe you, its too soon and you are having too much fun...

  3. Wes,
    Sounds as all is well, other than your back side. Mealtime is just not the same without you! Take care, want to see pics,
    Love ya,

  4. Regarding your laptop adapter (not the rest of the stuff), you should be able to just get a cord from the wall to the black box. the adapter should be able to handle the power comming from the wall since it is marked 100-240V. No need for a contraption to drop the voltage to 120 VAC. The hard disk, you should find a regular transformer used there to do a 240 VAC to whatever voltage DC that the hard disk uses. Again no need for a power adapter. It shouldn't be that hard.
