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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

March 10, 2011

The Photography Club

Today was the introduction meeting for the photography club...
Well... not the most English-friendly club out there so I was very lost. There was a small group of English-speaking foreigners that went too but they didn't last the whole meeting. I didn't understand jack shpit but decided to sit through it anyway in case enlightenment came along the way...

It didn't....

But I did get a small book with a bunch of information I can't understand, and what I think is a list of planned activities. Plus I had the chance to introduce myself before the crowd amongst other newbies.
 I'm gonna try hard to participate.

Anyway today I met my "doogomi," kind of like a mentor. Each student is assigned one and the basic idea is to just get together at least 2 times a week and socialize. While filling in the request we could specify something we wanted in our doogomi; so my doogomi speaks little English. It works pretty well because we had lunch today and he would speak to me in Korean, I'd try and understand what I could (and sometimes I actually could!! Rarely though...) and then he'd explain. I think the concept is great. His name's Han Su, really nice guy definitely willing to help out (and be patient).

Beyond that, class has been really easy so far. Today we got a bunch of new vocabulary but other than that we've just concluded working on the alphabet. Tomorrow we finally learn a bit about socializing. I took a few photos of the day just to show.

 My beautifully clean dorm. *ahem* Hopefully I move out at the end of the month to a "better dorm". (Where the pingpong tables are.)

This is the way to class... It's a bit of a walk.
And this is my class. Well... the guy in front with the stripped shirt (holding the card upside down) isn't but he always walks in during breaks because our classroom is always really warm. Countries listed: Philippines, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Peru, and of course, Guatemala. The cards we are holding are just random vocabulary. I'm holding "refrigerator".

And I'm off to eat healthy fried food!

1 comment:

  1. Wes,
    Great to get pictures that show your every day haps. Do you have a roommate? From where? In your classes? Seems your dorm is spacious. What time are classes from...to?
    How is learning Korean? Have you expanded your vocab?
    Thing here are well, your dad and I are celebrating our 21st anniversary this weekend by driving motos to stay in Las Cumbres in Zunil and get some massages!!! Should be fun.
    Take care,
