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Photographer and blogger. I travel when money and time allow and I post when I have something worth sharing.

March 13, 2011

This weekend.

When three guys get together over the weekend, have somewhere to crash, money, and nobody to care what they do, they will probably go out, get drunk, have girls over, get high on heroine and wake up with an ugly unicorn tattoo on their thighs. Pretty wicked right?

Well when Sungwook, Bambi, and Wesley get together over the weekend...

They will go out and buy meat to cook at 3 am just because they can. They will only buy one bottle of alcohol that is just 6% anyway; "just to try it". They will watch two lame movies on T.V. They will try and go to karaoke past midnight but get thrown out because Sungwook wasn't carrying I.D. so he couldn't prove he wasn't a minor, since minors aren't allowed in karaokes after 8pm.

They will sit together under a blanket on a heated pad because the apartment is so damn cold.

Yeah... we know how to get the party started.

But that was Friday. Fortunately Saturday was a much brighter day.
We went to COEX. A large mall with an aquarium inside. I wasn't too impressed at first but farther in you get to see some really impressive animals. I'm talking Big Ass Fish, and manatees. A two-headed turtle, electric eels, giganto sharks, and everything in between. T'was quite nice.

Then we went to eat. Then we went to get piercings.
Har har. Mine's a skull.
You can't see it that well here though... I can't take it off for a month.
I feel slightly more badass now though.

Finally we went to karaoke, to finish off the day. Of course, we sang like pros.
The sad part is, there was no alcohol involved. We're stupid enough when sober.
Our concluding song was "Barbie Girl". We decided to not loose our voices this time and only sing one ridiculously high-pitched song. Last time we sang "I Will Survive" and could barely speak afterward.

Yeahhhh that's what we do for fun. But we do find it fun so it's all good.

Anyway, the earthquake in Japan wasn't felt here at all. I'm still going to try to register at the embassies ASAP though.

Classes are still really easy. Just a lot of vocabulary and practice. To answer mom's questions on the last blog:
My classes are from 9am to 1pm, with a couple short breaks in between. My dorm is spacious enough since I don't need so much space in here. My roommate is unfortunately Nery, the other Guatemalan, since we arrived together. Maybe that will change when we get to move to the other dorm building next month. I've got nothing against him but I have very little to gain from him also.

So I wish mom and dad had a great anniversary. I still remember Las Cumbres, nice place. Beats going to Antigua again. :P

Oh and I'd like to finish off with something fun. I was able to experience something you cannot experience in Guatemala at all... *drumroll*
Electrical Toilets!!!! Sungwook actually had one in his apartment. It's nice to sit on a pre-heated seat alright. All the little illustrations are nice too. I actually tried the buttons. The first and the third just spray your butt an I couldn't really tell the difference, but it feels nice after a spicy poo. The second one, though, I believe is a vagina-wash so I didn't touch it. The last button will blow warm air on your butt. Here's a hint: don't open your legs, it'll allow air with butt smell to go straight to your face.
In the end you will have to wipe, it's just not the same. And the air-blower would take forever to dry your ass. Still cool. I felt like I was shitting in the future.
Oh yeah, I was also able to take a real shower for once. Our dorm shower sucks. It's one tiny cramped bathroom so there's no separate space for the shower. It's connected to the sink so you have to hold the shower head and hose yourself down. Everything get's frikin wet, and then stays wet, so if you want to go to the bathroom later, expect wet. Water only stays hot for about 30 seconds at a time. You then have to turn it off, soap up, and turn it back on, wait a little for it to warm, and rinse again. Being able to stay under constant hot water has become a luxury. I'd take the 2-hour trip to Sungwook's apartment every once-in-a-while just to take a shower.

So that's my story for today. I think I've been doing pretty well with this blogging stuff (update wise).
See ya then!


  1. Que gusto saber de tu vida y tus aventuras, hoy vimos en TV un reportaje de Seoul y mostraron lo del karaoke, tambien de la aficion reciente de los coreanos por el golf y de lugares llamados bangs o algo asi con videojuegos...
    Para la adaptacion inicial, que conveniente que las clases sean suaves. Lo del inodoro esta envidiable...buenisimo q tengas a tus amigos alla para compartir estas aventuras juntos!!
    Adelante con el blog q lo estas poniendo que da gusto!!
    Abrazos y nuestro cariño de siempre!

  2. Son PC Bangs. Bang significa cuarto, osea cuarto de computadoras. Mis amigos como insisten en ir alli pero que weva!

  3. Por lo que vimos, es parte de la vida nocturna de los jovenes...
    Hubo algún efecto del terremoto, tsunami, riesgo nuclear, catástrofe humanitaria, etc, etc, de Japon en la gente de Corea? O tal vez es muy pronto para saber el impacto, pero si la economia japonesa se deteriora, quiza los coreanos encuentren mas oportunidades que favorezcan su acelerado crecimiento económico...
    Que estes bien!

  4. Pues fijate que aunque dura la cosa los japoneses saben muy bien como cooperar con terremotos entonces aun siendo un golpe duro creo que en poco tiempo se recuperan y solo se vuelven mas fuertes.

  5. Algo así como las cucarachas.... que mala onda mi comentario.... pero sí, así son de japoneses los japoneses.

    Que impresionante lo que puede hacerse con tu camarita y el software que arma las imágenes, con lo de la vista del apto de tu amigo, ya podés hacerte voyerista (el que siente placer espiando a otros, ja, ja.)

  6. Enjoying your freedom, son? Are you sure you are actually hanging out with Bambi? Looks like any other random Korean in a see full of them!!! I wouldn't recognize Bambi if I ran into him now. How did you pick him out among 11 million Koreans? Hey left ear pierced, what does that mean? lol.
    Smart toilet, second button is a Douch!

    I got a bunch of phone calls from people asking about you after the sendai quake (I got friends that care, who woudve thought!). I figured there was no mention of it being felt in Seoul on the news, so things must be fine. good thing you did not qualify or gotten THAT scholarship, huh?

    At the rate your Korean language is going, I am wondering if you will know enough by the end of the year! Specially of you only hang out with a bunch of pseudo-koreans speaking spanglish all the time. I bet Sungwook's grades will go down from now on. What about the girlfriend, hanging out with her too?

  7. oops, "sea" full of koreans, NOT "see" full

  8. WOW. bambi changed so much!
    i took a picture inside the shark's mouth last summer too with the exact same expression o_o
    did my brother get a piercing too?

  9. Hey Wes,
    Seems you are not having fun at all...get out and experience something will ya...lol.
    Toilet seems really great...send us one...imagine you would not need to shower for days...weeks even. Oh, by the sounds of it you already are not...lol
    love ya,
